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After the third boss, the game started looping. After fighting the dragon (first boss) a second time, the boss of the next area (the looped second area) was also a dragon and after beating that the next floor was an empty boss room with no boss or item (or colored center tile). The game was fun, but once I got the baby dragon it was sad to never get to experiment with new items anymore.
At first I was like "what is this?" but then I was like "what is this?". Favorite part so far is when the dragon in the mirror's head turned into the visage of who I presume is an old friend and told me they missed me, dealing critical damage. Looking forward to slowly exploring this game as usual, thanks for making it.
It would be nice to have a way to break toast loops early so that turns don't lag so much in the end game. Maybe toast could move randomly the first 50 passes or something each turn, just so there's a hard cut off eventually and toast with negative resistance passing to other toast with negative resistance doesn't take so long to finish.
I kept my first wielder alive through the entire game-- eventually Constanza Medici was winning battles against 30 year olds while well into her 100s. Perhaps I shall see if I can grant immortality in a longer run setting, but I am a little disappointed that despite going undefeated for a century I was auctioned off for a mere 450,000 florins.
There are several, but the general one is when you can no longer keep playing. This is because you are out of playable cards in hand and can't draw: there are no cards to draw, or you are out of gold, or your hand is full, and your hand is either empty or all the cards in it are unplayable (because there are no eligible tiles).